. social exist or antisocial ? .

Nov 7, 2011 0 their words
i think i will cut my blogging habit for these several weeks forward. just for a private reasons and keep focus on something big.
so, since this'll be a last post for a long term quo status, so it'll be a long post. haha.. :P

this time, in this post, i'll take "technology impact issue" up as the latest topic in my head during my travel from jakarta on last thursday.
in the travel's car, i sat with a mother with her cute son. i guessed he was 6 years old and he called his mother with "mami".  me and his mom brought our phone and had our own stuff with a phone on our hand. yes, i was tweet-ing there and that lady was facebook-ing. (i could saw the reflection from the window obviously, because it almost dark there.) then the son said something to her mom. but she (still with his phone, now BBM-ing) with her friends and just anwered a piece words to respond his son's asking. then she gave her another phone to her son and let him played with the games inside. then, we was busy with our each activity. then it was suddenly silent.
hey, dont u think it's weird? we do soooo depend on technology. we prefer enjoy involved in cyber life to our real life. we choose to be "something" in virtual world and looks exist instead of facing a real world. some of them even are quiet person in the real life but suddenly turn into a "friendly person" wannabe. they greet everybody, or do some "imaging" and hope for someone will conclude that they're that "image". yes, some of them succeed, some of them have no attention at all indeed.
By technology, i focus on social network or social chat service like BBM, whats up, etc, we often pretend that someone's far being much closer and make someone's close being much far away from us.
hey, dont u think it's absurd? i've posted about a social media's effect (twitter) for our relationship with other. we already have someone to share, someone to talk, someone to make us laugh and he/she/they are in front of our  face. we dont need a network connection to reach them, we can talk with them directly. it's sad when i meet others who're so in rush of other virtual conversations whereas they are involved in a real conversation at the same time. seems like they dont care about surrounding's people. so, please please please stay focus with your interlocutor. honor their presence. they're there to hear you, to share laughter with u. especially if it's a kid, they shouldnt be ignored. they need us to ask many many things, they need us to hear their fun or even the whine. be smart using the technology. dont lose your humanity just because a technology. :)

and.. i went to church last sunday and heard a great commandment which suit with me. the theme was BE AN EXELLENCE GENERATION. God really works..
in the middle of ceremonial, the speaker let us watched an interesting video. it's justin and jeremy. here i attach the video.
everybody giggled and laughed through the video. such a funny video. haha.. 
they also uploaded another video and had been watched by million people in this whole world. wow..
and this is another quizzical from them. so cute..
and, how's it? dont u agree that they are so cute? oh my..

so, we already reach end of the post. i excuse for a moment. please pray for me. and i promise i'll back soon. bye all.. :)

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