hmm.. these pictures below will say lot words.. oya, happy december..!! let's prepare the christmas eve!!

this was a giant bowl of ramen that was succesfully finished by monster NOVITA DEBORA..
rawrr... hahaha.. :P

my ramen was 3x bigger than this bowl.. can u imagine? but, anyway.. lemme introduce.. this is natasha..
my fabulous friend. she's smart and so independent..

one part of rounding Jakarta. this is my nephew, Javier Tonggo Jonathan Panggabean. ah.. cute..
he was inherited his daddy forehead. hihi..

Julius with his sleeping style.. and snoring for sure.. haha..

This is Elsa.. what the sleeping style is this ca?? with smile? hahaha..

and then.. this was my first christmas celebration on the beginning of december. laughter, joy, and love!
oya, i got this new haircut..
hehe.. :)
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